Condition Sales


The offer, sale, production and distribution of products bearing the Holly+Rhudolf brand are owned by the company with registered Studio and Legal Side in Italy,  via Giuseppe Don Bedetti 113, 40129 Bologna, Italy- Europe VAT IT03235831207 - the WEB-SITE  - are governed by these general conditions of sale (the“ General Conditions ”). The remote sale of these Products, through the Site, takes place directly by Holly+Rhudolf in the manner indicated below in these General Conditions, in compliance with the national regulations in force and with the European Directive n.2011 / 83 EU on consumer rights. Each user of the Site may request any information from the customer service staff, by contacting the Seller's Customer Service directly through the contacts indicated in the "Customer Service" area of ​​the Site. Site,you can also obtain information regarding orders and shipments, refunds and the return of the same. Users are also reminded of the right to contact the Seller directly, also by e-mail, at the following e-mail address:

For any other legal information, the user is advised to consult the sections of the WEB - SITE corresponding to each specific request.


 1.1 The Seller offers the Products for sale on the

ON DEMAND, PRE-ORDER, ORDER NOW, BUY NOW and carries out its e-commerce activity exclusively towards users who purchase the Products through the Site and who qualify as "consumers "(" Buyers "and, each of them," Buyer "). "Consumers" are understood to mean only natural persons who conclude a purchase contract for the satisfaction of the needs of daily life unrelated to the entrepreneurial or professional activity that may be exercised, the subject who stipulates the contract in the exercise of such an activity or for a purpose connected with it.

 1.2 If the user, potential Buyer, does not fall within the definition of "consumer" but, on the contrary, qualifies as a professional and therefore does not act as defined in the previous article 1.1, he is from now on invited to refrain from concluding commercial transactions on the Site.

1.3 In consideration of its commercial policy, the Seller reserves the right not to process orders from subjects not falling within the definition of "consumer" and / or, in any case, to orders that do not comply with its commercial policy and / or not in line with what is established below.

 1.4. These General Conditions exclusively regulate the offer, forwarding and acceptance of purchase orders relating to Products purchased on the Site by the Buyers (the "Orders") and therefore regulate the relationship between each Buyer and the Seller. 

 1.5 The General Conditions, on the other hand, do not regulate the supply of services or the sale of products by third parties other than the Seller who are given visibility on the Site through links, banners or other hypertext links. Buyers are advised, before placing orders and purchasing products and services of any kind offered by such third parties, to carefully check the conditions of sale of the latter, as the Seller declares from now on not to be responsible for the supply of services and / or sale of products by such third parties and / or, in general, the conclusion of electronic commerce operations between users of the Site and such third parties.


 2.1 Orders can only be placed by persons of legal age and who are not in conditions of legal incapacity. The Purchaser, in order to conclude with the Seller the contract for the purchase of one or more Products on the Site (the "Contract"), must complete the specific order form in electronic format, which will be displayed by 'Buyer immediately before the conclusion of the Contract (the "Order Form") and send it to the Seller, electronically, following the instructions that will be reported to him in the various stages of guidance to the conclusion of the Contract.

 2.2 Before proceeding with the purchase of the Products, through the transmission of the Order Form, the Purchaser will be asked to carefully read the General Conditions and the clause relating to the right of withdrawal of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will also be provided with a summary of the commercial and contractual conditions proposed by the Seller for the purchase of the Products, which will contain a reference to the General Conditions together with a summary of the information indicated below: essential characteristics of each Product - subject of the Orders - with indication of the relative price (including all applicable taxes and duties); means of payment that the Buyer may use to purchase the Products; methods of delivery of the Products themselves;methods of treatment and handling of complaints by the Seller; shipping and delivery costs of the Products; references and geographical and e-mail address of the Seller; the date by which the Seller undertakes to deliver the Products. The Seller will also provide the Buyer with a summary of the conditions and methods for exercising the right of withdrawal and the methods and times for returning the purchased Products (taken from the specific paper return form that will be provided by the Seller in the package in which the Products object of the Order will be delivered). In addition, the Purchaser will be given evidence of the circumstances in which his right to withdraw from the Contract will expire. In any case, it will bereminded the Purchaser of the existence of the legal guarantee of conformity of the Products and the contact details of the Seller's after-sales assistance service will be provided and, also, the possibility of using the conciliation service, independent and institutional, so-called. “RisolviOnline”, provided by the Arbitration Chamber of the Chamber of Commerce : BOLOGNA (BO) ITALY-EUROPE.

 2.3 In the Order Form, summary information will be provided about the essential characteristics of each Product purchased, the relative price (including all applicable taxes or duties) and the shipping costs (including any additional costs that the Purchaser is required to support for having opted for a specific type of shipment and delivery different and / or faster than that defined by the Seller as "standard"). The Contract is considered perfected and therefore concluded upon receipt by the Seller, electronically, of the Order Form and only after the Seller has verified the correctness of all the data contained therein, relating to the Order placed by the Buyer.

 2.4 Once received by the Seller, the Order Form will be filed in the Seller's database for the period of time necessary to process the Orders and, in any case, always in compliance with the terms of the law. The Buyer will be able to access the Order Form by consulting the "My order" section.

2.5 At the time of sending the Order Form, the Buyer will be informed of the fact that such forwarding implies the obligation to pay the indicated price. Before proceeding with the transmission of the Order Form, the Buyer will be required to identify and correct any errors in entering their data.

 2.6 The language in which the Contract is concluded is Italian. In the event of a conflict between the versions of the General Conditions prepared in a language other than Italian and accepted by the customer, the meaning and interpretation of the General Conditions in Italian prevail.

 2.7 At the conclusion of the Contract, the Seller will take charge of the Order in order to proceed with the fulfillment of the same.

 2.8 The Seller may not process Orders that do not give sufficient guarantees of solvency and / or that are incomplete or incorrect or in the event of unavailability of the Products covered by the Orders. In these cases, the Seller will inform the Buyer, by e-mail, that the Contract cannot be considered concluded and that therefore the Seller will not be able to carry out the Order, specifying the reasons. If the Products, presented on the Site, are no longer available or on sale at the time of the Buyer's last access to the Site or at the time of sending the Order Form, it will be the Seller's responsibility to communicate promptly and in any case within thirty (30) days from the day following the date of transmission of the Order, any unavailability of the Products covered by the Order.In these cases, if the Buyer has already forwarded the Order Form and paid the relative price, the Seller will reimburse the Buyer the sums paid by the latter and the Contract will be considered terminated. The Seller will not be required to reimburse any other amount, for any reason, to the Buyer.

 2.9 With the electronic transmission of the Order Form, the Buyer unconditionally accepts and undertakes to observe, in relations with the Seller, the provisions of these General Conditions. If the Buyer does not agree with some of the terms set out in the General Conditions, he is invited to refrain from submitting the Order Form

2.10 By submitting the Order Form, the Purchaser declares to know and accept the General Conditions and the additional information, of any nature, contained on the Site, even if they are recalled via links, by way of example and not limited to: the Conditions of 'Use, the Privacy Policy, the information on the right of withdrawal.

2.11 Once the Contract is concluded, the Seller will send the Buyer, by e-mail, an Order receipt, containing the General Conditions and the summary document on the right of withdrawal and, therefore, all the information already contained in the summary of the commercial conditions and contractual agreements that the Buyer will have viewed before proceeding with the purchase of the Products.



 3.1 Only original Products are offered for sale on the WEB-SITE.

 3.2 The Seller does not sell on the Site used, irregular, defective products and / or, in any case, of lower quality than the standards applicable to products similar to the Products and offered on the market.

 3.3 The essential characteristics of the Products are presented on the Site within each "product sheet". The images and colors of the Products offered for sale on the Site may however not correspond to the real ones for reasons not attributable to the Seller and, in any case, due to the Internet browser and / or the display through the devices used by the Buyer. HOLLY+RHUDOLF expressly disclaims any liability in this regard from now on.

 3.4 The prices of the Products may be subject to updates. It will be the Buyer's responsibility to check the final sale price of the Product he intends to purchase before completing and submitting the relevant Order Form.

 3.5 Purchase requests from countries not included among those displayed in the "Select Your Country" section will not be accepted by the Seller.

 3.6 The Seller, in case of exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Buyer, has the right not to accept the return of the Products or not to refund in full the sums paid by the Buyer for the purchase of those Products which, upon delivery, they do not have the relative tag and / or that they have been altered in their essential and / or qualitative characteristics and / or that they have been damaged in any way.



4.1 We accept all credit / debit cards - PAYPAL  (affiliated). KLARNA 

For the payment of the price of the Products and the relative shipping and delivery costs, the Buyer can choose between one of the methods indicated in the Order Form. In no case will the Buyer be charged with costs higher than those actually incurred by the Seller, in relation to the chosen payment instrument.

 4.2 In case of payment by credit card, the financial information (for example, the credit / debit card number or its expiry date) will be forwarded, via encrypted protocol, to third parties who provide the related electronic payment services. remotely, without third parties having access to it in any way. Furthermore, this information will never be used by the Seller except to complete the procedures relating to the correct fulfillment of the Order and to issue the relative refunds in the event of any returns of the Products, following the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Buyer, or if it is necessary to prevent or report to the police the commission of fraud on the Site.In any case, all personal data provided by the Buyer will be processed by the Seller, in compliance with the applicable legislation on the subject, as provided in the "Privacy Policy" section of the Site.

 4.3 The price for the purchase of the Products and the shipping costs, as indicated in the Order Form, will be charged to the Buyer's current account at the time of purchase of the Products purchased,on PAYPAL.


 5.1 The Buyer, at its discretion, may decide to receive the Products it has purchased at an address of its choice throughout the world by  courier express.


 6.1 The Buyer may request any information through the assistance services activated by the Seller. For more clarifications, it is advisable to access the Customer Service area.


 7.1 The General Conditions are governed by Italian law and in particular by Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206, (so-called Consumer Code) in Chapter I “Consumer rights in contracts”, with specific reference to the legislation on distance contracts and the legislative decree 9 April 2003 n. 70 on certain aspects concerning electronic commerce.

 7.2 In the event of disputes between the Seller and each Buyer, arising from the General Conditions, the Seller guarantees, as of now, full adhesion and acceptance of the RisolviOnline conciliation service. "RisolviOnline" is an independent and institutional service, provided by the Arbitration Chamber of the Chamber of Commerce of BOLOGNA (BO) ITALY-EUROPE , in compliance with the provisions of Title II-bis of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206, (so-called Consumer Code), which allows you to reach a satisfactory agreement, with the help of a neutral and competent conciliator, in a friendly and safe way, on the Internet. For more information on the “RisolviOnline” regulations or to send a conciliation request, access “”.

 7.3. We also inform you that it is possible to use the Platform provided by the European Commission for alternative dispute resolution, accessible at the website


 The General Conditions are accepted by the Buyer in the version published at the time the purchase is made, also with reference to the guarantees contained therein. In any case, the Seller reserves the right to modify the General Conditions from time to time, also in consideration of any regulatory changes; the updated version of the General Conditions will become effective from the moment of publication on the Site.


If you have any questions or need further support please  contact us.  We will respond to your request within 24 business hours.



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From h 24: 00/24: 00 - every day.